FCM encourages all municipalities across Canada to add your voice to the municipal movement that's building a better Canada. By adding your voice, you'll join nearly 2,000 other local governments representing 91 per cent of the Canadian population.

FCM is the national voice for Canada's local governments. We understand that the solutions to some of this country's biggest national challenges can be found in local communities. We work hard to ensure our members' issues are heard at the federal level. What's more, our members receive exclusive access to distinct benefits, everything from expert analysis on federal legislation that impacts municipalities to a say in resolutions that guide FCM's advocacy work on Parliament Hill.

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% Of Municipal Population
  SCC Zero Tax Province - Do not use Liquid error: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key 0 Liquid error: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key %
  Yukon 9 96.915%
  Northwest Territories 12 83.851%
  Nunavut 19 75.703%
  Prince Edward Island 22 83.649%
  Nova Scotia 50 95.617%
  New Brunswick 70 92.242%
  Manitoba 133 99.730%
  Newfoundland and Labrador 166 80.434%
  British Columbia 187 99.310%
  Alberta 238 97.639%
  Ontario 342 95.221%
  Quebec 362 51.810%
  Saskatchewan 380 84.610%